Friday, June 20, 2008

Damn fine Links!!

Glenn Williamson
Ankles N Socks
Mike 87
Ink Maniac
Arthur Gillarsen
Got Cheeks
It Came From Space
Do It for the Fat Lady
Jambon Beurre
RD Sullivan
Scott Morse
Alex Madrigal
Echo Form
Sean Ho
Anette's Net
Pierre Alary
Origin Aux Crisse
Joe Olson
Adam De Blog
Nick Kilislian
Coyote Saskia
Daren Bader
David Sketch
Rupesh Talaskar
Krappy Neck
Timothy I Lamb
Red Dot Blog


Raghu G said...

thanks for the post :)

Louise Smythe said...

I have been reading your blog for about a month now and I just wanted to say that these posts you make with links are a godsend. Thanks!

Scott Morse said...

Shoot! Thanks for the link! My site traffic just went through the roof! That's awesome. Hopefully you get some returns from my site pretty soon here.

Hrishikesh said...

amazing links in this post John

abhishek singh said...

these are some amazin liks ..thanks for diggin them out learns a great deal scrollin through amazin work.
would luv to hav ur views on my work .
plz do visit when u hav a little time.

Dustin d'Arnault said...

Hey John I am honored to be apart of your link list. The rest of these links feature some amazing artists man thanks for posting them!

Anonymous said...

John when ya goona post some more of yer art work? have ya checked out my character at my Blog,I am doing more art now, hope yer well amigo...nice links.

Arthur Gil Larsen said...

Lots of awesome links here.
And wow, thanks alot for adding me on that list! :-O
Big fan of your work =D

Meesimo said...

Thank you sir!
Have a great Comicon,

Rufus said...

Thanks for your article, really useful information.