One of the best and most inspiring artist I've seen on the blogs is Erwin Madrid. He's done work for Dreamworks for Shrek 3 as well as other projects. I truly love his style and he makes it look so damn easy. Check out his
website website and his
blog and enjoy his amazing talent!

Thanks for the link. Awesome work.
Awesome Erwin~~~
Really wonderful~
great pieces!!!
I love Madrid's work! Phenomenal!
really awesome
Amazing stuff! The lighting is excellent, especially the afternoon sun in the last one.
He´s a genius!! Awesome!
Great ilustrations!!!!!wonderful
So inspiring! Thanks, John!
Wonderful job!!!!
The lighting is just amazing.
very nice, beautifully done.
c'est Magnifique!
Wonderful colors! Great art Mr!
(thanks for the link :-) )
amazing! thanks for the link:)
"I have good news and I have bad new. The good news is this blog rocks. The bad news is there is no bad news".Great movie, great art.
Real nice work!
Really wonderful.great pieces!!!
freakin awesome!
Real nice work
Wow I really love these. I've been a fan for a long time. Your works really inspire me. Keep up the awesome works!!
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