I'm so pleased to announce that my friend and uber-talented designer Colin Stimpson just completed illustrating a new book titled "How to Cook Children". Here are some images from the book. It is available through "Pickabook. Looks absolutely beautiful!!!!

wow these really do look beautiful John....thanks for posting these up!!!!!!
AMAZING! Thanks for sharing!
WOW, this stuff is absolutely gorgeous!!!
This stuff kicks butt. Love the design, and the characters are fabulous.
Very Cool work!! what a fun book..
Big fan of Colin's work! Just ordered a copy of the book. Thanks for the heads up, John!
it looks super cool ..post color correction .....
great stuff!!!
Exellent shadows and lights, good painting and drawings!!!!
These really do look beautiful i like :)
Cool. These are really great character designs!
Man, awesome personalities! I really love the shapes and charm you push into everything from the characters to the architecture. KICKASS!
This guy's stuff is awesome!
fantástico, fantástico!
These are incredible! Do you know when the book will be available?
These are great.
Very cool!
These are wonderful!
Simply Fantastic!! MORE MORE we want MORE!
WOW! Love the rendering!
Wow, this stuff is crazy tight. Sweet!
Waw!! Mindblowing!! Nice colors....!
Fabulous illustrations !!!
Wow, these are really nice. I especially like the bottom one!
Great work Colin!
that whitch on the motorcyle..pure genius.
I love your work by the way
O_o Whoow!! your blog is amazing,i like the motorcycle of the witch ^^, is very original, je, je..
Brilliant...i have no words for these illustrations..lovely colours!!
damn,its brilliant,very unique style.absolutely stunning work .
WOW, this is amazing, the characters are very beautiful.
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