Thursday, September 08, 2005

Yippee Ki Yo...

Exploring compositions.


Dik Pose said...

I am just shaking my head... man, i love your use of shapes!

Jon McNally said...

Oh, very nice, John. I think the desolate mood's so nicely conveyed in the bottom two.

monkeyfeather said...

Yeah, great work John. Some really nice shapes combined with EXCELLENT compositions. I like the Robot and Kim a couple down as well.

Andre Moore said...

Man seeing stuff like this makes me want to rip up all my artwork and start over fresh lol! The boards are really cool i love the designs

donnachada said...

Hey John,
these are great. There's so much life in all your drawings. BY the way, just picked up your sketch book in H.O.S.
All I can say is WOW. I'll be thumbing through it all the time.

Christina Forshay said...

Your stuff is awesome. You really get a ton of movement and emotion from your linework. Fun stuff!

paige said...

Yippe Ki Yo for me! I just love looking at your work. It's beyond beautiful. I'll be visiting House of Secrets soon, your book is a "must have".

uwe said...

Its really a shame thats there gets so much lost on the way from a strong sketch and preperation like in your work to a final picture on the screen.
Its so nice to see your work!! I love the "RUN!!!!!!"post

Garrett Shikuma said...

Your compositions and shapes are just awesome! Great stuff John!
I just picked up your sketchbook as well from House of Secrets, and looked through it several, several times already...thanks for the inspiration...

Elliot Cowan said...

One of the few things as exciting as pirates are cowboys (well - they're not quite as exciting, but they're pretty cool).

John Nevarez said...

Beth, Dik, Uloo, Monkeyfeather, Andre, Christina, Paige ...

Thank you so much guys!! I'm having fun, at times a bit too much fun blogging away. This stuff's addicting, but it's definitely making me crank out.

Donna & Garrett,
Thank you so much for getting the book at HOS. Truly, truly appreciate it!!!!


I totally agree with you!! I prefer looking at rough concepts versus clean-ups. I alway found the roughs more inspirational, more alive. The "Run" piece was fun to do. Glad you enjoy it too!


Yeah, cowboys are fun, but Pirates are the coolest!!! ARRRRRR!!!!

Unknown said...

Awesome drawings!! It's always fun to see your works!!

Bernard Joaquin said...

Hey John

The Sketches blows me away ....really amazing stuff..I like everything design, the llllaayouts .....they just have alot of energy.....keep them coming thanks

Sumeet Surve said...

Ur work is awesome, Dude. Keep it up, inspires me a lot and pushes me back to the drawing board.

Unknown said...

Por dios mio!! Your pieces are awesome. Thanks for the nod on my sketches. I hope to bring together my comic for next year.


The Virtual Gamer aka: Hevvy Metahl said...

I wish i had one of them there boxcar jaws, Pardner. What a tough lookin hombre.

Yippee tie yie ay
yippee tie yie yippee
Yippee tie yie yippee eye ay oh yay

Hadibi @ gndagnor said...

Wow, I want to grow like you! XD
Do you give out lectures? If you do what'd it take to bring you out here to Malaysia? XD

It's such great fun looking at your works and I haven't gotten to see every post yet ^_^

Sedyas said...

Hola John. Tu artwork es impresionante! Tu blog es de lo mejorcito de la web. Resulta muy inspirador ver tu narrativa en los planteamientos de la animaciĆ³n.

Esto... hablas espaƱol, no? xD

Un saludo

Matthew Cruickshank said...

A visual feast!

uwe said...

john - a question
are you willing to sell one or two of your sketches - some I like really a lot!!
may you contact me:

TANYA LYON said...

I know I must be like the gazillionth person to tell you this, but your art is so freekin amazing!!!

I think I've even dislocated my jaw!!!

can't wait to see more!

Kc said...

Dude you are TALENTED! I would love to have lessons with YOU! lol

No seriously, I would.

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