Monday, April 12, 2010

Here are some amazingly awesome blogs to drool over:

Had the opportunity to work with Ty this past summer and he is amazing!!!! Great guy, and an awesome talent! Definitely check out his work!

I met Ernie Ochoa about four years ago and this guy has a passion and talent which is growing stronger and stronger each day! In a few years I know he'll be a force in the industry! Keep drawing Ernie, don't ever stop reaching higher and higher!

... and here is some freakingly talented work from all over the world:
Farukh Nadaf
Pietro Antognioni
Braden Art
Suri Patagonia
Gillian Comerford
Pavement Mouse
Anthony Ermio
Ecartez vous Jarrive
Blog Absense
Crayon Papier
Sylvain Jezequel
Romain Art
Lanre Dublo Guelin
The Pink Panda
Theo Guignard
Louis St
Mehdi Shiri
Kawaii Studio