The show is this weekend is a celebration of the book's release and is full of great art from alot of tatented folks:
Alina Chau
Andrew Edward Harkness
Bonnie Liu
Brigette Barrager
Colin Jack
Kristin Tercek
Dan Krall
Danni Shinya Luo
Daron Nefcy
Drake Brodahl
Elsa Chang
Eric Diaz
Fawn Veerasunthorn
Grace Lee
Griselda Sastrawinata
Gwynne Simmons
Helen Chen
Jackie Huang
Jared Andrew Schorr
Jenny Lerew
Jeremy Costello
Joey Chou
Josie Portillo
Josie Trinidad - IMDb
Junyi Wu
Kenard Pak
Leo Matsuda
Liana Hee
Mab Graves
Meg Hunt
Michelle Romo
Miyuki Oekaki
Natalie Hall
Neysa Bové
Oliver Akuin
Patrick Awa
Paul Tsui
Perry Dixon Maple
Seb Mesnard
Sherwin Abesamis
Tang Kheng Heng
Wilson Swain
Looking forward to having the book when it's done!!!!
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where can I buy a copy of this book?
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