Tuesday, November 15, 2011

CTN 2011

I'll be attending the CTN Expo in Burbank, from November 18-20. I'll be at booth T-04 selling copies of ashcan sketchbooks, "Bits and Pieces".
I'll be there will all my buddies and it should be a another great event. Please stop by and say hello.

You can also download the CTN App for free!

Here is a list of all the attendees:
Pascal Campion T-65
Forrest Card T-90
Danny Wise T-24
Tyler Carter T-34
Shane Glines T-14
Brett Bean T-17
Hanna Abi-Hanna T-27
Ivan Iguirre T-62
Brian Ajhar T-57
Mario Furmanczyk T-49
Katy Hargrove T-73
Frank Forte T-30
Cale Atkinson T-95
Eduardo Avenir T-43
Howard Shum T_94
Chris Ayers T-35
Damon Bard T_91
Andre Barnwell T-07
Ryan Benjamin T-87
Alberto Ruiz T-14
Sean "Cheeks" Galloway T-86
Chris Ingram T-46
Ted Davis T-16
Mark McDonnell T-54
David Colman T-79
Louie del Carmen T-64
David DePasquale T-77
Brianne Drouhard T-81B
Duncan Studio B-26

Jamie Caliri
Craig Elliot T-74
Peter Emmerich T-77
Andrea Fernandez T_02
Kevin Dart and Chris Turnham B-36
Bill Robinson T-71
Sonia Tiwari T_01
Zaruhi Galstian T-25
Walter Gatus T-59
Gentle Giant studios B-32 7 B-42
Ed Ghertner T-67
Ghostbot T-66
Gnomon B-24
Scott Petersen B-09
Steve Gordon T-50
Rudolphe Guernoden T-05
Ryan Hall T-04
Richard Peter Han T-03
Frank Hansen T-69
Thitipong Jitmakusol T-3
Liana Hee T-55
Francisco Herrera T-26
Trey Hodges T-28
Vadim Bashanov and Steven Neary T-22
iAnimate B-31
Bobby Chiu and Kei Acedera T-40 and T-41
Jessika Von Inneremer T-95
Justin Orr T-76
June Kim T-27
Vladimir Kooperman T-61
Trevor Kraken T-73
Stephanie Laberis T_81
Christophe Lautrette T-05
White Lee T-68
Brittney Lee T-56
Josh Lieberman T-02
Lettie Lo T-43
Jose Lopez T-60
Joey Mason T-32
Maxon Computers B-26
Wayne Medina T-62
Mark Mohamed T-07
Fabian Molina T-58
Gary Montalbano T-37
Eric Gonzalez and Erich Haeger T-11
John Nevarez T-04
Gallery Nucleus B-46

Chris Oatley T-47
Paul Wee T-31
Kris Pearn T-51
GPixologic B-43
Powerhouse Animation Studios B-25
Jason Pruett T-47
Willie Real T-23
Nicolas Villareal T-39
Reel FX B-17
Rhino House B-16
Rhythm and Hues B-45
Ricardo De Los Angeles T-21
Robh Ruppel T-72
Ralph McQuarrie Gallery
Donnachada Daly T-19
Sheridan College T-96
Stephen Silver T-09
Beth Sleven T-18
Society of Illustrators T-66
Sony Animation B-27
Trevor Spencer T-02
Mark Sperber T-88
Zach Stark T-24
Coran Stone T-48
Sergio Paez T-70
Sherm Cohen T-526
Stuart Ng Books B-4, B-5 & B-6
Marceline Tanquay T-61
The Animation Guild T-10
Renaud Armanet T-06
ToonBoom B-37
Tori Davis T-75
Genevieve Tsai
Robert Tsai T-28
USC School of Cinematic Arts T-03
Valerio Ventura T-78
Mario Pochat T-36
Glenn Vilppu B-07 & B-08
Wacom B-21 & B-22
Walt Disney Animation B-13
Walt Disney TV Animation B-12
Jim Hillin T-85
Woodbury University B-29 & B-30
Mike Yamada T-45
Dean Yeagle B-41
Victoria Ying T-45

2011 Guest List

If I've forgotten anyone, please let me know and I'll add 'ya!


Anonymous said...

Hello John

Isnt it 18-20 november? ;o)

Always nice to see who you promote everyone around you. You are really kind!

John Nevarez said...

Dear Anonymous,
YES, you are right!! The actual dates should be November 18-20. I would have been a day late!

a said...

Hello, was wondering if you would be willing to place a link on your site/blog from my blog in exchange for $$$. please contact me if your interested and we can work out a month to month plan of some sort.



Owen Williams said...

Looking forward to catching up John, not long now :)


Chris Kennett said...

Wow what a line up!!! So sad I won't be able to make it across the water this year. All the best and have a fantastic 3 days.

Mike Yamada said...

Thanks for posting my link! Hope to meet you there.

Andre Barnwell said...

youre an awesome being. :D

C.Deboda said...

Thanks for putting together this info! See you there. :)

Benoit Therriault said...

I sure Hope I'll be able to meet you. I am deeply thankful for what you did for me :) You are really generous, this post is so helping for planning CTN too.

Eduardo Avenir II said...

Hey John, thanks for linking me! I'll see you next week!

Anonymous said...

You are the best, John :) A quick correction though, I am at booth T-81, not T-01! See you there, I have a sketchbook for you!

Unknown said...

Ugh, logged in anonymously by accident. Let me try again: You are the best, John :) A quick correction though, I am at booth T-81, not T-01! See you there, I have a sketchbook for you!

John Nevarez said...

Hi folks! Thanks for all your nice words! Hope to see all of you there!

thanks so much for the correction. I'll update asap! See you there!

"TORI CAT" said...

Hey john!!
Thanks for adding a link to my blog!
Iv only just come across ur site.
If I had seen this earlier, I would have made a real effort to come and find u and Thankyou Personally.
It wasnt all that easy to leave my booth, and when ever I'd try, I'd never get very far before I end up bumping into some one I know :)

Hope u had as much fun at the show as i did and hopefully I'll see u next year. The I'll be able to thank you in person.

All the best and many thanks

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