Yeah, I've been really bad about posting new art. Work's been very busy lately and I was dealing with some health issues, which are now under control. I'm getting ready to get my last sketchbook ready for the Con. Hopefully I can finish it in time. Thanks for everyone for your support and love. See ya soon.
hi john, great to see you posting artwork again. but work and health do come first. i hope you are feeling better.
i can't wait for your new sketchbook!!!
ps. thanks for including me on your previous link post. :)
You are sooo talented! These are really great!
You are very very important for a lot of us -simply mortals ;)- so We´ll wait for your stunning art all the time you need.
I hope that your health just gets better every day.
All the best for you Master!
son geniales, John!! Mucha suerte
John as juampa said "You are very very important for a lot of us"
I think I speak for anyone who has ever seen you person to person. You are an incredible individual.
That beauty within you is what's truly shooting out of that pencil.
Your art is just a reflection of you. Stay healthy.
I'm so happy to hear your health is under control. I'm very excited to come pick up your new book at the con.
joe y elio
Is your sketchbook only going to be available at comic con? Or will it be for sale afterwards?
great stuff
The sketches are tremendous.
i remember these from when you started blogging brilliant work.
here here! great to see you posting! more please :)
realy nice sketches
classics sir! I love these. I saw some of these drawings during school and they really helped shape my skills. Thanks for sharing and glad to hear you are feeling better.
Beautiful, masterly and incredibly inspiring work.
As for being unwell, heh, if it is of any consolation,I do not remember feeling well for the past 10 years. And my health problem list could easily make for a good few hours of boring conversation.
Getting old is no fun, particularly when your body is bad combination of poor design and cheap parts that break down often.
(I was still talking about me, I hope you are in better shape)
As for you sir,
I hope you keep your health under control and have many awesome years which you wisely use to produce tons of stuff as beautiful as everything you've shared here so far.
Cheers to your skill,
these are freaking awesome john! you da man!
Great stuff!, I want more...
Wow, you're blog is amazing dude!!
Can it really be as easy as you make it look!
hi john,
The new sketches are awesome !!!!!
Man I don´t know how you find all these great talents, but thank you very much for share them.And,
Thank you very much for linking my blog, I'm honored!!!!!!
Rupesh Talaskar
wow john... i was missing your works.. love them..
hope to see more soon.. ill be watching u..
best regards...
I remember these sketches. I cant believe its been so long since Ive been a fan of your blog. Its wild because you were one of the first blogs I found when I first joined blogger. Im glad to hear your doing better. Your work has been one of my greatest inspirations and I hope you continue to be a big part of my artistic growth. Take care and see you in San Diego.
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