Monday, July 02, 2007

Whaleboy Toy Launch & Art Show

I'm happy to announce that on Thursday, July 5th at pm there will be a toy launch and art show for Whaleboy at MUNKY KING TOYS in Hollywood, California.

My buds and creators Patrick Morgan, Ed Acosta and Taesoo Kim will premiere a limited edition "Goth" version of their creation. There will also be a small gallery section featuring various artists including Justin Ridge, Jose Lopez, Bobby Chiu and others. Here are the details:

7308 Melrose Avenue
Hollywood, California 90046
(323) 938-0091
7 - 11 pm

Come on down and join the festivities.


karim Qabrawi said...

Hi John this is Karim

I Work with Animations & Comics

I liked your Job so

I wanted to leave you my Blogspot

so If you like my Job Add me to your Link Section At:

keep going with your Fine Art!

Adam Kaszycki said...

fantastic drawing! is it for sale through the gallery?

Patrick Morgan said...

Thanks John! Amazing stuff, and I really appreciate you contributing to the show.

Tobias Schwarz said...

beautiful paintings on your blog!

Dave Dick said...

Wow that'll be a great time!

Luiz Henrique Rodrigues said...

Beautiful drawings on your blog, a great inspiration for me
looking forward to see more..
If you have time, please take a look at my blog.
Thanks anyway

adxzun said...

awesome work john...just beautiful.

Julkillo said...

Amazing work as usual,I love that shark,incredible

YesLand said...

That whale boy looks great!! I don't really know why lately I've been drawing tons of whales!! So I really like this stuff, congratulations!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful sketch! hehehe

boob said...

This is gettin' me excited! I hope to see some of youse guys in San Diego again this year. I'm always stoked to see new things await my eyeballs!

Esaulov Ilya said...

